Customers sometimes are not familiar with the terms and processes used in Wood Turning and Wood Molding. Below are some typical questions, along with explanations.

Spur_Mark_on_Bottom_of_Wood_Knob.jpg, what is a spur mark?, mark on wooden handle?, wood turning mark, wood turning FAQ

What is a Spur Mark?[shown on the bottom of a Knob] This is the mark left from certain types of wood turning lathes. If in a hidden area, or not visually objectionable, it can be left on the piece to help reduce cost.The spur mark above also has a hole drilled in the center to allow for a wood screw.

Circle_and_Brad_mark_on_wood_handle.jpg, ring and brad mark, circle and point mark, mark on wood part, mark on wood FAQ

What is a Circle and Brad Mark ? [Also called a Ring and Brad mark or a Circle and point.] The handle above has a Circle and Brad Mark  on the bottom. This mark is left from certain types of wood turning lathes. If in a hidden area, or not visually objectionable, it can be left on the piece to help reduce cost

Rock_Maple_Tool_Handle_L.jpg, wood threading in wood handle, wood threads picture, custom wood turned threads, internal wood threads, wood thread FAQ

What is Wood Threading and a Metal Ferrule? The handle above shows internal wood threads made to screw onto a paint roller handle. The metal ferrule provides extra strength to reduce splitting of the wood.

Wood_Tool_Handle_with_Ferrule_and_hanger_bolt_L.jpg, what is hanger bolt, bolt inserted wood handle, metal bolt wood handle picture, metal bolt wood handle FAQ

What is a Hanger Bolt Assembly ? The handle above has a threaded hanger bolt inserted into the end this handle to allow it to screw into metal threads. Different sizes hanger bolts are available. The metal ferrule provides extra strength to reduce splitting of the wood.


What is a Threaded Metal Insert? The close up above shows a Threaded Metal Insert installed in the bottom of custom wood knob. The insert is used to attached the knob using a threaded metal screw.

Custom_Dowel_with_Cross_Bored_Hole_and_Tenon__Dark_Stained.jpg, custom dowel with cross drilled hole, cross drilled hole picture,FAQ wood dowel

What is Cross Bore Drilling ? The custom wood dowel above has a